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Welcome to Haxby and Wigginton Methodist Church

Our church seeks to be a beacon in the local community for faith in Jesus Christ, and love and service to all.

Scarecrow Festival Registrations are OPEN!

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Scarecrow Festival 2025
Registrations are OPEN!


Do you live or work in Haxby and Wigginton?
Make a scarecrow for the Festival and join in the fun,
whilst helping us raise money for four great charities! 

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Looking from the front of HWMC, showing the congregation on the lower floor and in the balcony.

Sundays, 10:00am–11:00am

Sunday Worship

This service is a blend of contemporary and traditional, using a variety of media, music and musicians.
Tea or coffee are served afterwards, with the chance to chat.

Upcoming Worship, Activities and Events

Click on an event for more details

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