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Drawing of green and orange bunting.

Eco Church

North York Churches

A cartoon image of the Earth wrapped delicately in green leaves, with the wording "Green for now… and the future!"


Eco Church is about equipping people and churches to care for God’s creation through their worship, buildings, land, community engagement and individual lifestyles.​

Origami Instructions
for the
Community Christmas Tree

Christmas can be so loud…

…So much expectation. So many voices. Telling us how to celebrate, what to wear, what to eat and drink, what to watch and what to buy.

Here’s one simple way you can Hush the Noise’…

Take some time to think of the things you’re grateful for, of your hopes for the year ahead and more peace, kindness and love in the world. And as you do…

A green origami christmas tree, in front of two origami parcels.

Pass On Pre-Loved Toys

Did you know that 80% of all toys end up in landfill?! The School Uniform Bank Team were pondering about this and wondered if we could start a pre-loved toy revolution!​

Read about our Christmas Toy Bank and how to join in.

Sustainable Advent Guide
for Busy People

Do you look forward to wearing your Christmas jumper? Or does the idea of having all the Christmas card to write, gifts to buy and food to prep make you feel, well, a bit anxious?

Then, of course, there’s the environmental impact of this season; so much waste and a ridiculous amount of packaging and unwanted presents.

Our Sustainable Advent Guide for Busy People is designed to help you find ways to have a Christmas that’s kinder to the planet, to your pocket and to yourself. They are ideas and top tips from the Eco Group of Churches that meet from across York.

Have a peaceful Christmas from the Eco Church Team.

Eco Church Newsletter

Here’s the Winter 2024 newsletter of the York Circuit’s Eco Church→

Silver Award logo, reading “A Rocha Eco Church: Silver Award Winner 2025”

Eco Church News

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