Monday 25th • Tuesday 26th • Wednesday 27th March
On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 7pm and 8pm, come and sit in the quiet of the church for as much of the hour as you’d like, arriving any time.
There will be quiet music playing and images on the screen, along with a simple self-guided reflection for you to spend as much time with as you’d like.
There’ll also be candles to light, for any and every reason.
Thursday 28th March
On Thursday at 7pm there will be a brief Maundy Thursday service with Holy Communion.
Good Friday 29th March
On Friday morning at 9am we gather for another quiet reflection, and then we join the Churches Together Walk of Witness through the village to St Mary’s, where the Easter play will again take place.
Sunday 31st March
On Sunday morning at 6:30am there is sunrise communion on Ethel Ward, followed by hot drinks and pastries in Aroma.
Our main Easter Sunday service with Holy Communion will be at 10am.