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Harvest Thanksgiving 2022

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

We now have a photo gallery from our Harvest Thanksgiving services, which were held at the end of September 2022. The church was decorated with beautiful flower displays, as well as food, fruit and vegetables people donated.

Harvest Gifts

Donations of food, collected at HWMC’s Harvest Thanksgiving services.

Like last year, we supported Carecent (based at Central Methodist Church and supporting vulnerable and homeless people in York) and Haxby Food Share.

Haxby Food Share

After the services, we took the donated canned and dried food, fresh fruit and vegetables along to the Haxby Food Share Project, based at Haxby’s Memorial Hall. They were delighted with the contributions, as there has been a marked increase in people seeking help in these days of spiralling costs.

If you’d like to support them on an occasional or regular basis, please see our Haxby Food Share Project blog post about them, which includes a list of suggested food items and where to take them.


In contrast, Carecent had requested monetary gifts as this gives them the most flexibility in meeting their clients’ needs

And Finally…

Thank you so much to everyone who helped arrange flowers and otherwise prepare for the Harvest services, as well as all who came along/donated money or food!

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