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HM Queen Elizabeth II

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

A photo surrounded by black of Queen Elizabeth II wearing a white dress, crown and necklace.
HM Queen Elizabeth II, 1926–2022

We have all been absorbing and processing the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and the accession to the throne of King Charles III.

In Haxby and Wigginton, St Mary’s and St Nicholas’ C of E churches are open every day between 10am and around 4pm for everyone in the community to drop in for some quiet reflection or prayer. Each has a book of condolences, candles to light and prayers to follow.

The Queen’s Funeral

We will be opening our church from 9:30pm on Monday 19th September 2022.

Using our big screen, we will be showing the live coverage of the procession of Queen Elizabeth’s coffin to Westminster Abbey, and then the whole of the funeral service that follows.

You are welcome to join us and be together in marking this time.

Some might treat it as a worship service, others as simply a moment of national significance to observe.

All are welcome.

We hope to have the Order of Service in time to print the hymns for any who want to sing. The opportunity to light a candle in remembrance, or get a coffee and tea will be available up to 11am when the funeral starts, and then again after the service.

We pray for the Queen’s family in the busyness of these days, and the days to come, as they mourn her passing, and all who are grieving today for the loss of a loved one, whoever they were and whatever their role, public and private.

Rory Dalgliesh, Minister

Haxby and Wigginton Methodist Church

15th September 2022

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