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Home Group Study: Luke

Updated: Mar 28, 2024

Over the first part of 2023 we will be studying the book of Luke within our home groups. These weblinks are to videos and audio recordings to help for our groups to use in their studies.

YouTube Videos

These two videos give overviews to chapters 1 to 9, and 10 to 24 of Luke.

You can either use the weblink to watch them on YouTube, or use the player here. The player includes buttons to turn on subtitles or make it full-screen.

​Overview: Luke, chapters 1–9

​Overview: Luke, chapters 10–24

Audio Recordings

In these recordings made by the Bible Society in May 2010, the book of Luke is read and dramatised by the Riding Lights Theatre Company. Each is 20 to 30 minutes long.

You can either use weblink to listen to a recording on SoundCloud, or use the player here.

These narrations come from a 40-part series covering the entire New Testament. If you’d like to listen to the series you can do so free of charge on SoundCloud, at:

​Day 9 / Luke, chapters 1–4

​Day 10 / Luke, chapters 5–8

​Day 11 / Luke, chapters 9–11

​Day 12 / Luke, chapters 12–16

​Day 13 / Luke, chapters 17–20

​Day 14 / Luke, chapters 21–24


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